
1. I
1) the road (the street, the path, etc.) divides дорога и т. д. разветвляется; divide and rule разделяй и властвуй
2) the House / the Parliament / divided в парламенте было проведено голосование
2. III
1) divide smth. divide land (a town, a field, the two portions of the estate, etc.) делить землю и т. д.
2) divide smb. jealousy (a small matter / a trifle / , etc.) divided them причиной их ссоры была ревность и т. д.; а quarrel divided them их разлучила ссора
3. XI
1) be divided into smth. a ruler is divided into inches линейка разделена на дюймы, на линейке нанесены деления в один дюйм; be divided among I between / smb., smth. the money was divided among all his heirs деньги были поделены между всеми его наследниками; the prize was divided between two classes приз поделили два класса
2) be divided on smth. our opinions are divided on this point no атому вопросу наши мнения расходятся; be divided between smth. he is divided between hatred and pity в нем борются ненависть и жалость
4. XVI
1) divide into smth. divide into three paragraphs (into three branches, into several parts, into two parties, etc.) делиться /разбиваться/ на три параграфа и т. д.; the river divides into two streams река делится на /образует/ два рукава; these subjects divide" into optional and compulsory эти предметы делятся на факультативные и обязательные; the tourists divided into groups according to their interests туристы разбились на группы в соответствии с интересами
2) divide by some number 30 divides by 3 (by 10, etc.) тридцать делится на три и т. д.
3) divide on smth. divide on that point (on the question of education, on the choice of a motto, etc.) расходиться (во мнении) по этому вопросу и т. д.
4) divide он smth. the House /the Parliament/ divided on this resolution (on the Bill, on his proposal, etc.) в парламенте было проведено голосование по этой резолюции и т. д.
5. XXI1
1) divide smth. in(to) (according to) smth. divide a cake into two parts (a town in half, a country into three parts, the earth into two hemispheres, etc.) делить пирог пополам и т.д., divide animals into species классифицировать животных по видам; divide books into sections распределять книги по разделам; divide the story into parts разбивать историю /рассказ/ на части; divide all the correspondence according to the subject разложить всю почту по темам /вопросам/, поднимаемым в письмах; divide smth. among /between/ smb., smth. divide money among several people (one's property between one's heirs, the work among all the members, the profits between partners, etc.) делить /распределять/ деньги между несколькими людьми и т. д.; divide one's time between work and play распределять время между работой и развлечениями, чередовать работу и отдых; divide smth. in some place divide one's hair at the side (in the middle) носить волосы на косой (прямой) пробор
2) divide some number by some number divide 15 by 3 разделить пятнадцать на три
3) divide smth., smb. from smth., smb. divide a part from the whole (one's land from smb.'s, France from Spain, the sheep from the goats, the sick from the rest, etc.) отделять часть от целого и т. д.; the Channel divides England from the Continent Англию от остальной / континентальной/ части Европы отделяет Ла-Манш
4) divide smb. on smth. the Opposition does not propose to divide the House on this question оппозиция не собирается ставить этот вопрос на голосование в парламенте

English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "divide" в других словарях:

  • divide — DIVÍDE, divíd, vb. III. tranz. şi refl. (Numai la prez.) A (se) împărţi, a(se) diviza. – Din lat. dividere. Trimis de ana zecheru, 29.05.2002. Sursa: DEX 98  DIVÍDE vb. 1. v. împărţi. 2. v …   Dicționar Român

  • Divide — Di*vide , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Divided}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Dividing}.] [L. dividere, divisum; di = dis + root signifying to part; cf. Skr. vyadh to pierce; perh. akin to L. vidua widow, and E. widow. Cf. {Device}, {Devise}.] 1. To part asunder (a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Divide — (engl.: teilen) steht für Divide County, County im US Bundesstaat North Dakota in den Vereinigten Staaten Great Divide Basin, Region in Wyoming, USA Divide (Arkansas) Siehe auch Divide Township Great Divide Continental Divide …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • divide — [v1] separate, disconnect abscind, bisect, branch, break, break down, carve, chop, cleave, cross, cut, cut up, demarcate, detach, dichotomize, disengage, disentangle, disjoin, dislocate, dismember, dissect, dissever, dissociate, dissolve,… …   New thesaurus

  • divide — ► VERB 1) separate into parts. 2) distribute or share out. 3) disagree or cause to disagree. 4) form a boundary between. 5) Mathematics find how many times (a number) contains another. 6) Mathematics (of a number) be susceptible of division… …   English terms dictionary

  • Divide — Di*vide , n. A dividing ridge of land between the tributaries of two streams; also called {watershed} and {water parting}. A divide on either side of which the waters drain into two different oceans is called a {continental divide}. [1913 Webster …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • divide — (v.) early 14c., from L. dividere to force apart, cleave, distribute, from dis apart (see DIS (Cf. dis )) + videre to separate, from PIE root *weidh to separate (see WIDOW (Cf. widow); also see WITH (Cf …   Etymology dictionary

  • Divide — Di*vide , v. i. 1. To be separated; to part; to open; to go asunder. Milton. [1913 Webster] The Indo Germanic family divides into three groups. J. Peile. [1913 Webster] 2. To cause separation; to disunite. [1913 Webster] A gulf, a strait, the sea …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • divide — I (distribute) verb admeasure, administer, allocate, allot, apportion, appropriate, assign, carve, consign, dispense, disperse, dispose, distribuere, dividere, dole, dole out, endow, give out, issue, mete, mete out, parcel out, pass out, pay out …   Law dictionary

  • divide — UK US /dɪˈvaɪd/ verb ► [T] to calculate the number of times one number fits into another: »Convert the euro amount into sterling by dividing the euro amount by the exchange rate. ► [I or T] to separate, or make something separate, into different… …   Financial and business terms

  • divide — [də vīd′] vt. divided, dividing [ME dividen < L dividere, to separate, divide, distribute < di (< dis , apart) + base seen in vidua, WIDOW < IE base * weidh , to separate (prob. < wi , apart + dhē, set, DO1)] 1. to separate into… …   English World dictionary

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